Our Health Factsheet is available online and we can give you printed copies to distribute to friends or any organisation you are involved in. Please let us know by emailing admin@bsta.org.uk.
On Clean Air Day June 16th, Born in Bradford drew attention to its new evidence on traffic pollution’s harm to children’s brain development. Professor John Wright said “The evidence of the toxic nature of the emissions coming out of our car exhausts has become overwhelming. These are invisible poisons that we churn out into our pure Yorkshire air every day – harming the lives of our children. Fifty years ago we thought that smoking was harmless, but high quality epidemiological evidence has lifted the scales from our eyes. We are in a similar position today with traffic-related air pollution – waking up to the immense harm that this is causing to our health and wellbeing.”
BSTA has recruited Merle Collett to contact GP surgeries. She will be inviting health staff to discuss with BSTA their experiences of respiratory diseases known to be worsened by traffic pollution.