Lend a hand in our publicity and actions

We are turning our attention to new priorities for the coming weeks, and will welcome your involvement. Please join us at the Tambourine café on Gordon Terrace (BD18 4RU) at 7pm Wed 16th March.

Our priorities are:

  • Campaign for a consultation on a new Outline Business Case for the Bradford-Shipley Scheme. Contact the councillors along the route and on West Yorkshire committees to press the case for new consultation.
  • Set in motion our project to increase our reach to Frizinghall and Manningham, and to low-income groups in Shipley. We will talk to key people and organisations, in preparation for summer door-knocking and autumn events.
  • Press and publicity engagement. Make more of an online splash, engage the press with our proposals, and produce further factsheets including on health.

If you cannot make it to this meeting let us know you want to lend a hand by emailing Ludi at admin@bsta.org.uk.

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