17 September Bradford Climate Emergency Walk. Baildon (1.30) – Shipley (3.15) – Bradford Centenary Square (from 5pm). Route and further details.
13-17 September free zoom conference ‘Real zero in a hurry’, with many talks on decarbonising transport: https://decarbon8.org.uk/decarbon8-conference/
8 September: “An accessible, attractive, and cleaner alternative to car journeys”. Bradford Council consultation on four schemes in central, south and west Bradford, ends 8th September https://bradford.moderngov.co.uk/mgConsultationDisplay.aspx?ID=345&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery
“Is this new road OK? It’s only a bit more carbon…” Local authority carbon budgets needed for transport, by Greg Marsden.
The Transport Decarbonisation Puzzle. Comment by Glenn Lyons on the government’s July 2021 Transport Decarbonisation Plan.
From the Transport Action Network’s newsletter: The Government has committed to cutting carbon emissions by 78% by 2035, including international aviation and shipping, while failing to actually show how it will deliver such a radical target. This has led some to predict that there could be many more legal challenges over transport investment decisions.
Further links to government Transport Policy and decarbonisation, and commentary, here.