And now what? Consultation finished on Bradford-Shipley roads

The proposal and the consultation
The major Bradford-Shipley road scheme which sparked Bradford-Shipley Travel Alliance into existence went back to the drawing board a year ago. This was a good thing for all those concerned about too much traffic on account of health and climate concerns.

New proposals had a rushed summer consultation in July 2024. BSTA moved to inform our now extensive mailing list and Bradford Council received a larger than expected response from around 1500 people.

Back to the drawing board again
BSTA were happy with the reduced role of widened roads but criticised the lack of evidence to support the proposals. This lack of evidence seems to have backfired on the Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA), because it had nothing to counter the substantial opposition in the consultation to rerouting traffic away from Manningham Lane.

WYCA have therefore asked Bradford Council to work up new proposals again, which may go out for another consultation in 2025. We will keep you informed.

What next?
We are waiting for WYCA’s climate plan, expected very soon. We think it will be ambitious and require a major shift from individual road traffic to public transport, cycling and walking. It will clearly affect all road schemes and BSTA will provide recommendations so that new Bradford-Shipley proposals suit the climate aims and local people’s needs.

In any case, there is no longer assured money for the Bradford-Shipley road schemes. Higher inflation in the past 2 years has reduced the number of projects that the West Yorkshire Transport Fund can deliver. WYCA do have funding to see the Bradford-Shipley scheme through its Outline Plan (the current stage) and once that has been finalised and approved then it will pay for a Full Business Case to specify in great detail what is proposed. But the scheme will then, according to a report to Bradford Council’s Regeneration and Environment Scrutiny Committee, go into the ‘pipeline’ of new projects awaiting other funding for delivery.
We wish all our readers a happy break at Christmas and New Year, and a 2025 that brings good news.

Bradford routes reclaimed for walking and cycling

Routes along Bingley Road have been blocked off to cars. Traffic is being counted again to see how well the measures are working (this counter is on Tower Road). Traffic will be measured again in March, when an online questionnaire will ask for residents’ opinions of the changes. The measures will then be adjusted to work as well as possible. These experiments will help make similar schemes work well in Shipley, Frizinghall and elsewhere in Bradford.

Encouraging cars to use the boundary roads around neighbourhoods by limiting cut-through routes is intended to make residential areas safer and healthier. The aim is to make them easier to walk and cycle in, and to reduce car traffic overall. In other parts of the UK, schemes have been controversial but successful, according to this review of London Active Travel Neighbourhoods.

Score Councils on climate action

Want to learn more about what UK local authorities are doing to combat the climate and ecological crises? Want to help communities to get their council to take Climate Action seriously? Interested in gaining experience of local policy, initiatives and best practice?

Climate Emergency UK are recruiting for their second volunteer cohort to create the Council Climate Action Scorecards – the only UK-wide assessment of councils actual climate action. By creating the Action Scorecards you would be helping your community and other people around the UK understand how well councils are tackling the climate crisis, who’s doing well and what is possible. Find out more about the volunteering opportunities and apply before 16th February here:  

Bradford to revise road plan in 2023

Last year we posted the press news that the Bradford-Shipley Road Improvement Scheme was to be revised, scrapping road-widening. We also posted our plans to continue to champion residents’ concerns in favour of action on climate and clean air. Below is the full statement from Bradford Council about their decision to revise the road plans, sent by the engineer in charge of the scheme in an email to all Bradford District Councillors on 3rd November 2022.

The statement is very welcome. While triggered by a reduced budget hit by inflation, it allows the Council “the opportunity to update the scheme objectives to include new and emerging policy”, which we think must include the climate and air quality policies that West Yorkshire Councils have adopted since the scheme was originally proposed.

Of great importance is the commitment to create new options in the form of an Outline Business Case, which must include further consultation on the shape of the scheme. The Travel Alliance has always argued for this. It is welcome that “the focus of the scheme will shift to bus and active travel improvements along the Manningham Lane Route”, and we will argue for frequent, fast and cheaper public transport to provide an attractive alternative to more car journeys. We don’t yet know what “localised measures to address congestion along the Canal Road Route and Otley Road”, may mean.

The Council’s aim to reduce carbon emissions demands less traffic overall, which would satisfy the aim of reduced congestion. How to reduce traffic overall is the big question. It demands national investment in alternatives as well as local schemes including the Active Travel Neighbourhoods that the Council has begun to introduce.

We have suggested to the Council that we discuss alternatives before waiting for their finished plan, to make best use of the thinking and consultation carried out by the Travel Alliance and our affiliates.

Here is the Council update:

Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme Update

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council (CBMDC) in collaboration with West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) are keen to provide the following update on the Bradford Shipley Route Improvement Scheme (BSRIS).

CBMDC have been working diligently to control scheme costs in the context of recent and ongoing extreme inflation, however the council are now unfortunately no longer in a position to deliver all the essential elements of the previous preferred option as identified within the 2019 Outline Business Case within the available funding.

The early acknowledgement of this has created the opportunity to update the scheme objectives to include new and emerging policy; and use this to identify updated options for consideration which build upon the earlier development.

From this, it is expected that the focus of the scheme will shift to bus and active travel improvements along the Manningham Lane Route with localised measures to address congestion along the Canal Road Route and Otley Road.

This message is being made available in conjunction with the formalised agreement between CBMDC and WYCA to undertake a refined Outline Business case which considers the new objectives and options.  Following this agreement CBMDC will develop the proposals and plans for consultation which is expected within Autumn 2023.

Lobbying Councillors – or “the time for action is now”: can you do this now please?

Our current objective is to raise awareness amongst Bradford District councillors of reasons (air quality and public health, environment and climate change) to oppose the plans to turn Valley Road/Canal Road into dual carriageway. We want to make clear to the council that there is widespread and growing opposition to this plan.

We are asking concerned residents to pose any of the following questions to their councillors.  You can find your councillor and their contact details here: Councillors. If you live in Shipley itself, all our councillors are already supporting us, so please write to Bradford council Leader Susan Hinchcliffe who is also in charge of West Yorkshire transport, or to Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw who has responsibility in Bradford for transport. Please let us know when you get a response.

·         Health and breathing

Dear Councillor

I am aware of plans by Bradford Council to develop Canal Road/Valley Road into dual carriageway between Bradford and Shipley.  As this will create extra traffic I am worried about a further reduction in air quality as a result and particularly its effect on children’s health – one example is Shipley C of E primary school at the junction of Otley Road and Canal Road.  Could you please ask in Council how this road development plan is expected to impact on air quality along the length of the road?

 ·         Induced traffic – additional traffic resulting from road development

Dear Councillor

I am aware of plans by Bradford Council to develop Canal Road/Valley Road into dual carriageway between Bradford and Shipley and understand that new or developed roads create traffic I am concerned that more traffic means more air pollution, poorer health and increased traffic congestion.  Could you please ask in Council why we are not making plans to reduce traffic instead of increase it?

·         Council’s climate commitments not being met

Dear Councillor

I am aware of plans by Bradford Council to develop Canal Road/Valley Road into dual carriageway between Bradford and Shipley. I also note that it is three years since Bradford Council announced a climate emergency, yet they are still proposing road development schemes that will contribute to increased vehicle journeys and so increased CO2 emissions. The council are not taking their commitments to reduce emissions seriously. Could you please request in Council that such schemes be dropped immediately.

 ·         Introducing weight limits to reduce heavy goods traffic

Dear Councillor

I am aware of plans by Bradford Council to develop Canal Road/Valley Road into dual carriageway between Bradford and Shipley. We already have a problem along the length of Canal Road and onward through Shipley and Saltaire with large heavy goods vehicles making a ‘short cut’ between M62 and M6 lake district.  A dual carriageway will only increase the number of such vehicles. Could you please request in Council that these road development plans are abandoned and instead weight limits are imposed on Canal Road, Valley Road, Manningham Lane and through Shipley (exceptions could be made for local hauliers).

 ·         National objections to road development

Dear Councillor

I am aware of plans by Bradford Council to develop Canal Road/Valley Road into dual carriageway between Bradford and Shipley. Around the country increasing numbers of road development plans are being opposed by local communities because they increase traffic and emissions which damage the environment and pollution which damages health. Governments in Wales and Scotland have called a halt to road development for these same reasons. Could you please request in Council that the Canal Road scheme be replaced with measures that will reduce rather than increase traffic immediately.