We are here to make sure that the investment to increase road traffic along Canal Road between Bradford and Shipley is used instead for healthier ways of travelling. This is the way to better health, and to global cooling. Come and join us at the next BSTA meeting:
Wednesday 21st September, 7pm, Tambourine Café, Bingley Road, Shipley BD18 4RU.
And here is advance notice for our public meeting:
Road Traffic Forecasts, by David Milner author of ‘Computer says road’
Wednesday 12th October, 7pm, Kirkgate Centre, Shipley BD18 3EH
David Milner argues that traffic forecasts are unreliable and build in a bias that encourages road expansion. He says residents and communities can control how cities should look and feel. This meeting will incorporate a short AGM where we will receive a report of work and elect the Travel Alliance committee.
Our concerns about increased traffic in Bradford, and our health factsheet, had good publicity in the Telegraph and Argus on 11th August, with a follow-up becoming the lead letter on 16th August.