Would you like less traffic? Shipley Great Big Green Week 10-18 June

Shipley Town Council has organised a week of walks, bike maintenance and cycling classes, family activities, talks and action. The QR code and this link have the full programme. https://shipleytowncouncil.gov.uk/2023/06/01/shipley-great-big-green-week-get-involved/

 On Saturday 17th from 11am to 3pm stalls in Shipley market place will include the Travel Alliance, where we’ll talk to all-comers about climate action and health, starting with the question ‘Would you like less traffic on the roads?’. Join us to help, or to tell us your concerns.

Job to manage a new Shipley cycling centre

Monday Feb 6th is the deadline for you to apply for a job supporting cycling in and around Shipley. “The role within the hub will be to build and provide services and activities, with the purpose of increasing active travel (cycling, scooting, walking etc.) and community well-being.  These services will include cycling lessons, mechanics lessons, bike loans and help with bike repairs.  These could be provided via partners, sessional staff and/or yourself.” 16 hours a week, £16,000 a year.

More information at https://www.capitalofcycling.org/shipley-hub-role/

Taking a deep breath: June 10th 7:30pm

Professor Rosie McEachan of the Bradford Institute for Health Research, will be speaking about Air quality, health and Born in Bradford’s plans to evaluate the Bradford Clean Air Plan. It will be a chance to ask questions and join discussion, and all are welcome. Rosie is an applied health researcher, and director of the Born in Bradford study which follows the lives of over 50,000 Bradford residents to explore why some families stay healthy and why others fall ill.

Register for the meeting here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/taking-a-deep-breath-tickets-152426051423. The meeting will be on Zoom.

Please advertise widely and come to this discussion which will be supported by other clean air scientists, and the campaigning group Clean Air Bradford. Organised by the Bradford-Shipley Travel Alliance, concerned about health and climate impact of traffic schemes between Bradford and Shipley.
