What are the scheme’s aims?

The publicised aims of the Bradford-Shipley road scheme are to ‘green’ Manningham Lane, introduce a 20 mph speed limit there, add bicycle lanes to encourage a move from the car, move traffic to Canal Road and Valley Road, and reduce congestion.

However, the scheme’s original aim in 2012 was to create economic growth through inward investment, by increasing the capacity of the road system. This aim is still there, though relegated to appendices in more recent reports going to Councillors and public consultation. More traffic along Canal and Valley Roads will add further pressure to the existing bottleneck at Shipley, threatening to increase rather than decrease congestion and pushing up already extreme pollution levels recorded along the road. So, just what ARE the aims of this scheme?

The Bradford Shipley Travel Alliance will be repeating a request to West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Bradford Council to be explicit about the scheme’s aims, and to provide a Benefits Realisation Plan which is required but has not yet been seen.

The conflicting aims and lack of key evidence are identified in points j to s in https://www.shipleylabour.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/2020/11/Shipley-CLP-road-scheme-report-approved-6-Nov-2020-Appendices.pdf.

Shipley Town Council joins the Alliance

The Alliance now has 9 members, the ninth being Shipley Town Council which has unanimously voted to join us. That’s not so surprising as the Town Council has already made known their serious concerns about the impact of a new road from Bradford to Shipley on air quality and safety in Shipley itself. Thank you, Councillors.

Shipley Town Council Planning and Regeneration Committee 9th February 2021: Agenda


Welcome to the website for the Bradford-Shipley Travel Alliance. You can find out more about us here.

Please sign-up for our newsletter using the sign-up box on this page, if you agree with our concerns:

Any new road scheme between Bradford and Shipley must result in:

  • Significantly improved air quality and safety in all residential areas affected by the proposed scheme, including for all schools.
  • A response to the climate emergency including reduced carbon emissions, increased investment in public transport, walking and cycling, and less motor traffic overall.

We request that no further consultation goes ahead without information that shows how the intended benefits of the scheme will be guaranteed.